No one can love me the way that Jesus can. I was reminded of how great and wonderful the Love of God is this week. God loved us so much that he sent Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Now we no longer have to find the fattened calf, the best sheep to kill for the sins we have committed. Before the action of Love that Jesus showed we were slaves to our sin. But we are no longer slaves. God wanted us to be free so he sent his only son for us.
I was reminded that it's okay if I don't have the materialistic things I desired, the love of God is greater. Its okay if I don't have the popularity, all I need is Jesus. He literally is all that I need. He is the one coming to me with open arms even though I'm embarrassed of my sins. Though I am defeated by shame, Jesus was willing to hold me at my worst moments. I think that kind of love is indescribable. This love sent him to the grave, hate and evil despised this selfless love. But he won the victory and in three days He was risen, he had defeated death. This is a love that doesn't ask for favors, it doesn't ask for a reason, a thank you, a you're welcome, It doesn't have strings attached. This love gives you choice, and not an ultimatum. And it is this special love that couldn't be understood.
God knew you before anyone else, if He says I love you don't question it! Accept it! Because this love is a feeling that fills up your heart, it fills up your body, it fills up your mind, and it fills up your spirit. This love alone erases the past, erases the shame, the guilt and all the pain you have felt in the past. It rebuilds you, it restores your soul. This week I am reminded of Jesus and all I want to do is submit to him and see Him one day and say Thank you for loving me! At a time when people actually knew me they wouldn't have accepted me.
At one point we were all unrecognizable under sin, but with the Blood of Jesus, I was made white as snow. I am grateful and thankfu to Jesus. He shines in my life daily, He shines through my struggles, He shines through my break downs, He shines through my celebrations, He shines through my hard times, and he shines through my marvelous times. I may not have been a good person before, but day by day I am made to be more and more like Jesus. The things that used to upset me before will not break me down again! Things that come against eh word of God will not tempt me. I am maturing spiritually. I don't just try to make others see me, I want God to see me. I want Jesus to live within me! I want Jesus to see that I love him with all my heart so I will continue to devote my life to Him. I will continue to serve for the love of Jesus.

I am his child
God ‘s love is incomparable. Because is love I am is child and sure of a place in His great family. The love of God got me in a relationship with Him and all members of the family. Thanks for loving me God, thanks Meme for this special publication. May God Bless You and your husband.❤️❤️❤️