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Speak Words of Life

Writer: Melissa HyppoliteMelissa Hyppolite

Speaking life? What does that mean? I heard the phrase speaking life when I was talking to my youth early this week. I asked them what the word edifying means and one of them replied "it means to speak life in to people". In that lesson we were talking about sharing and caring for others and loving others just as Jesus loves us. We are on this earth to help others and to help push people up not bring them down. It is important as Christians that we don’t allow our words to be empty, but instead edify others with our words and ultimately speak life!


Let's take a look: One of the memory verses I have taught my children is James 3:10

"Out of the same mouth comes praise and cursing, my brothers and sisters this should not be." This verse is directly talking to us as Christians. It teaches us how we should conduct ourselves, more specifically our mouths, when interacting with others. James gives us good advice in many aspects if you read this book in its entirety. Chapter 3 talks about how to control our tongue and the words coming out of our mouths. Being that we are connected to Christ we should set an example and be different from others who utilize their words solely to curse others and bring them down. There is also another verse which talks about exactly what our words should do to the people they reach.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. - Ephesisans 4:29 ( KJV)
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. - Ephesians 4:29 ( NIV)

Analyze: It is important to sometimes look at different versions of the bible to compare what they say. Some bibles tend to take away from the meaning and some make things more clear and understandable. In this particular Chapter, Ephesians 4, we see that Paul is giving us instructions on how we should live as Christians. Between the two verses we see how the word edifying has been spelled out for us. It means to help and to build others up! Meanwhile the KJV is saying that our words are a ministry to others which has a deeper meaning.

Maybe right now you are not sure of your ministry at church, for example. Maybe you aren't singing in the church choir yet, or traveling to different countries evangelizing the word of God, or even teaching a Sunday school class. But remember that your words are your ministry. So in the meantime, what you should be doing at church and everywhere you go for that matter, is letting your words minister the goodness of God. When you do so others will see God alive within you. People will know that every time they talk to you they will find a smile, a positive attitude, and an uplifting word that is pleasant from you.

Now, what happens when you are trying to build someone up and that person instead, responds to you in a rude or negative manner? What I personally do is step outside of myself to try and understand the other person. I ask myself, what is God trying to show me in this moment? And, what is making this person respond to me in this way? Then I try to answer these questions. Well, maybe God wants to see if I have truly learned to speak words of life. Maybe this person is having a tough day, perhaps they are going through a difficult situation at home, or maybe they just have a lot on their mind. Instantly I can say, its okay, what's important is that instead of responding negatively back I spoke a word of life. Which is not always an easy thing to do.

What I want you to do, starting today is to take this your challenge. With all the challenges we see on social media we are going to make our own. It will be called the #SpeakLifeChallenge We have a duty to speak life to others, uplift them and build them up. I challenge you to build people up in your daily lives and to be strong as you do so!

Repeat after me: Say, "God help me to edify others with my words rather than to bring them down. Help me build up your people so that they can see You in me. Thank you Jesus, in your holy name we pray, amen."


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