One thing we start to learn ever since we were young was how to "wait." Ugh! Just hearing that makes me impatient. I am definitely not the most patient person in the world, my husband can tell you that right away! Everything I want to do, has to be done Now! And even the world around us is all about waiting. We wait on line, we wait for the bus, we wait for an Uber [that says its coming in 5 minutes when its clearly been 10] and even if you made a doctor's appointment months in advance, you still have to wait when you get to the office. Someone please tell me, what is up with all this waiting?!
Let's take a look: This is one of my favorite verses that I have memorized and that I repeat when I find myself running thin on patience and the strength to remain in waiting mode.
"Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say on the Lord!" - Psalms 27:14
Analyze: So taking a look at the verse, this one verse alone tells us to "wait" two times. Can you believe that? I haven't even read the entire psalm or grabbed its context and contents and yet, I have already been told to wait twice. I really love many verses in this psalm it really speaks to courage, patience, and trust in God during difficult times. What I have discovered is that there are many levels of patience.
For example level one might be waiting for the perfect parking spot, and level two might be waiting for a promotion at work, and level three may be waiting for a Doctor's report and let's say the highest level is waiting to be beside Jesus. As Christians we may struggle at many levels when it comes to patience. One thing I have to warn you of is that if you are growing as a christian we should not remain stagnant at level 1 for years where we claim to be following Christ and yet are raging if someone takes a paring spot or the line is long. because if we can't even handle level 1, how can we move forward into the Kingdom of God. Our Father has so much patience with us. Every single time we fall he is there, even in the depths of Hell he is there to take us up. He goes to find us wherever we are, to bring us back each and every single time. God has the Ultimate patience and each day we should strive to have patience like He has with us.
Now this verse also warns us to wait, because sometimes taking the "fast" route and doing things our own way can lead us into hurt, deception, and loss that God never meant for us to experience. He tells you to wait because He knows what is best for you. Perhaps he tells you to wait because if you had it all, you would forgotten God. God doesn't want to lose you. Or perhaps you would have lost it just as soon as you received it. And for that reason God wants to prepare you for it, so you can keep it for years to come. There is always an ultimate reason that sometimes we may not understand in this very moment, which is why he says have courage. Even if you see other people have it, just wait. Even if you feel you should have already had it by now, just wait. God says he will strengthen your heart as you do so.
Repeat after me: Say "God, help me to patient the way you have been patient with me. In the times when I was lost you took me in to your arms and brought me back to the right path. Your love and patience saved me and guided me. Teach me Jesus, how to be more like you. Please Lord, strengthen my heart as I take courage. In Jesus name Amen"
Reminder: I truly believe God has something HUGE in store for us, but if only we could just wait. In the verse right before (v13) David says, "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed, that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the Living." It is true, there are good things for you right here and right now as you are alive. Just believe and wait on God's perfect timing.
