There is something that happens, when you recite the word of God. It is a power that can over take you when you choose to believe and follow the one and only true God. Saying "I need you God and no one else was a way I told God I surrender to you. I changed my life around. I no longer wanted or needed anything else but Him. The changes have been phenomenal. Not easy of course but phenomenal.
"Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here." - Exodus 33:15
Let's take a look: I am all for this verse and these are one of the verses I live my life by.
Analyze: Moses has been chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the promise land. getting there was already difficult enough with a stiff necked people, and Moses constantly sought out God for guidance. I know that today we may not have the same exact issues as Moses had but if you really take a look at your life there are things that are incredibly similar. That is why it is very important for you to ask God before you make any decision to ask God if he is with you in this. The verse says if your presence [GOD] is not with us, do not send us. This is showing true belief in God, true obedience, true love for God. Moses is saying I'm not taking a foot forward in the wrong direction to die, NO WAY! I have to make sure you are going with us. We as christians need to do exactly as Moses did. Speak with God,
Repeat after me: Say "God, I don't want to take another step if you're not going with me. I don't want to move forward if your presence is not where I'm about to go. Because if you aren't there I have already lost. I'm already a goner. But if you are there. I know that I will prosper! So God lead me today lead me forever and never let me go. In Jesus name Amen"
Reminder: God wants to lead you into the right direction. the right place might not always look like perfection or absoluteness, but its not until you get there with the mighty presence of the Lord that you see changes taking place, that you see a difference, that you begin that God uses you so that his name can be glorified. This is exactly why I keep following Christ because I already know, if I go by myself I will be lost, I will be thirsty, I will be hungry, I will die without my God. Keep following God be strong. you are going to make it.

Wow thanks Meme
Wonderful sister, keep going with God and you will never get lost!