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How to Control Our Thoughts

Writer: Melissa HyppoliteMelissa Hyppolite

Thoughts are a curios thing. They help us evaluate and analyze a situation using our intellect and morals. We think of solutions to a problem quickly, in the matter of seconds we solved the issue. Our thoughts can also be heard with our own voice or the voices of others from the past or present. People can say something to us years ago and we can repeat it in our mind over and over. Throughout time the words we speak or the words of others can stick with us and be advantageous or disadvantageous in our daily thoughts.

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV

Let’s take a look: I remember going to a youth event and hearing this verse for the first time. I was in a time where all my thoughts were either anxiety filled or depressing. The young woman spoke so powerfully when she read this verse. It was not just a verse it was a command! A demand! I repeated it for weeks, memorized it, and vowed to myself that I would redirect each thought that came against the word of God.

Analyze: Remember that this is a powerful verse, and at the start we can already see this. The verse says we demolish. First it says we meaning you are not alone in this spiritual fight. Jesus is here by your side through it all. And second It didn’t say take away it didn’t say make them disappear it said demolish. To demolish something takes strength and power to do. It literally means to destroy, smash, tear down. Its not going to take seconds this is something you have to work at. Imagine a demolition day where you have to tear down an entire house. Now imagine that house is filled with a lifetime of negative thoughts and generational chains. You’re breaking down strongholds made of cement and brick. Just thinking about it has me breaking a sweat! My point is, its not easy to demolish something which is why you will need help to do so. And when its finally demolished there is no way it can stand again!

So you have to demolish these arguments and These pretenses brick by brick, piece by piece until they have no leg to stand on. Then the last part of the verse says we are going to take captive every thought and make them obedient to Christ. All the sudden we have become stronger than the thoughts that used to control us. The thoughts that have tried to bring us down. God has already given us the authority to take them captive and make them bow down to the one true God. However, to be honest we forget the power we have with Christ and for years we let the thoughts beat us down into a pit.

In order for you to have to say this verse with authority you first have to believe that you can do it. Its not easy for sure. I know this first hand. I never thought I would get out of the pit of darkness called depression. All the negative thoughts I had running through my head turned my reality upside down. It was to the point where I couldn’t tell which side was up anymore. I started to seek God anywhere that I could I was desperate for His presence in my life. When I began to seek Him, I was constantly hearing words of positivity and words of power, words of strength and courage. I felt God talking to me through the mouths of others who had no idea of my issues and pain. It was at that point that I found out that the authority was already inside of me all I had to do was use it!

Repeat after me: Say, “Jesus, in your holy name, starting today, I take captive every thought in me that is against you and make it obedient to you! I will demolish those arguments and lies that try to deter me from following your will. Thank you Jesus, in Your mighty name we pray. Amen.”


Melissa Hyppolite
Melissa Hyppolite
Feb 03, 2019

Yes, that is so true it all starts with our thoughts which is why it important to renew our minds with the word of God. Because our actions have a ripple effect, they can affect us for the rest of our lives!


Feb 03, 2019

Amen. That was a powerful article . Our mind is where we form thoughts that later turn to action. I work with clients who have attempted suicide and usually the first way to find out that they plan to commit suicide is assessing them to see if they think about it and have a plan or fancy . This is why asking God to renew your mind each day is so important.

Romans ch 12:2

 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


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