Jesus asleep on the boat
This is one of my favorite stories in the bible!
When I take a look at how great Jesus is I am amazed and in awe. When everyone is panicking, Jesus is always calm. I want to be just like Him. In the midst of a spiritual storm I want to remain calm. No matter what anyone says or does, I don't want it to phase me from the promises of God. And not only that, I will ultimately be able to calm the storm itself.
One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” - Luke 8:22-25
Let's take a look: This short portion of Luke is also depicted in Mark 4:35-41 and in Matthew 8:23-27. During this time in Jesus' life we see that he was teaching through parables and by example. He was healing the sick along his journey and many crowds had begun to follow Him. It was during this time that Jesus chose His 12 disciples. These disciples would continuously follow him on his journey and later preach the gospel after His mission on earth was complete. In this specific part of the chapter we see that Jesus simply says, "let us get on this boat we are traveling to the other side." There are a couple of things I want you to note before we talk about how to calm the storm.
1. Jesus' time was limited on earth so He used any and every opportunity as a teaching moment. Though it may seem simple these few verses show a huge teaching moment. Just before Jesus said Let's go on this boat he told the disciples in Matthew 8:20 "the son of Man has nowhere to rest his head." Meaning He is always needed and therefore can not sleep or rest. Jesus was just about to show them this fact. But of course the disciples didn't know what was about to happen on the boat, so they thought nothing of it when Jesus fell asleep.
2. When Jesus tells you something, Believe it! Jesus had already told them where they would go and how they would get there. They were headed to a place called Gadareness and as soon as Jesus got on the boat in Luke 8:23 it says He feel asleep. I would have thought fine that's okay we have been walking for a while a little rest would be great. Finally it seemed as though Jesus would get some rest as he traveled. But no! instead a storm raged before them and everyone instantly began to panic. They all had instantly fogotten Jesus said they were going to get to the other side and immediately woke Him up. At that very moment they no longer believed they would get there.
3. Jesus will test your faith. It is interesting to me how anyone can sleep through a storm. Winds blowing loud and hard, water rushing onto the boat, and thunderous clouds above you blocking any sunlight creating an erry atmosphere. You are not on steady ground, so I'm sure the boat was shaking twisting and turning in the water. However, through all of that Jesus slept. This was a physical rest, but what Jesus was showing them was a calm and faithful peace. It was as if Jesus tuned out the noise to allow complete calmness to take over. The disciples however were just like you and I. They had only just recently be chosen and they didn't fully discover and he did not just want followers he wanted believers.Though Jesus had taught them and showed them miracles they still lacked faith in Him. He immediately said "You of little faith, why are you so afraid." A storm is nothing to Jesus it has no power. It is like a vicious dog barking without teeth. Its just noise to scare you. Instantly Jesus He showed the storm had no power over him and rebuked it.
Analyze: Now let's break it down further to relate it to our everyday lives.
1. Jesus' time was limited on earth and so he had no time to rest. This shows us that God Is a God that never sleeps, he doesn't put our problems on hold He is always available to us. In times when our closet friends even our mother or father isn't around, Jesus is there. He will never sleep he is almighty and powerful sleeping doesn't exist in the spiritual realm. It is only something we need to recharge physically. Since Jesus' time was limited he made use of every moment he had.
2. When Jesus tells you something, Believe it! If we call ourselves Christians we must make sure we believe in the promise God had told us. Sometimes we see all these bad storms around us and lose hope. We have little faith and think we are finished. When in reality we cancelled the promise before it could be fulfilled. All because of our lack of faith and because of our deepest fears. Believe that you will get to the other side no matter what storm rages against you, you are going to make it there because God said that you would! Remember hat God does not instil in us the spirit of fear.
3. Jesus will test your faith. Jesus will definitely allow storms into your life. Storms can be an issue, an obstacle, something troubling. whatever you call them, these are all used as teaching moments in your life to teach you where you are weak so that you can be made stronger through Christ. Being a follower of Christ doesn't mean you will have an easy life. On the contrary you face some of life's most difficult challenges but the difference is that you now face them with God on your side. Just look at the disciples, they were just nominated disciples and on the the first day on the job they were tested. Expect to be put to the test and take it as a challenge! You will pass this test!
So now we have gone through these points we are ready for that challenge but how do we get the calmness of Christ to calm the storm. It is important that you understand that Jesus is the source. We can not find peace from any other place but from the source.
This calmness ultimately is so amazing that even if someone was angered, upset, or disturbed, Your peace is so sturdy and strong that when people get near you they can't help but be calm too. This is all because you are plugged into the source of peace. You can be so calm that is calms the troubles around you. You will be able to rebuke the storm because of how calm you are.
It's not to say that things will be comfortable. Jesusmember was in a small bout where rushing winds carried water in. No matter what our dreams, passions and desires are it doesn't mean it is going to be an easy road getting there. We shouldn’t give up on our dreams or say well I guess God isn’t here. You must seek him! Seek the source of peace bow down pray and call on to Jesus tell him to give you that same peace he had on that boat so that nothing can phase you.
Lets strive to be at that level! lets strive to be that calm in the midst of a storm and have faith that no matter what we see with our physical eyes God will make a way just as he said he would. “For we walk by faith and not by sight” (2Cor. 5:7). Don’t forget that as Christian's there is not only physicality-to it all, yes, but also spirituality. It seems bad in the physical but in the spiritual, there is spiritual warfare going on. And if you would just keep on believing in God. Believing in that first word Jesus spoke to you, you will get there. That alone gives you power to rebuke the storm in your life. With faith you have the power!

Thanks Meme, wonderful thoughts. Jesus give us the power to face and calm any storm in our life. May God bless you, keep going!