Sometimes we feel the pressure is on, the pain, the hurt, the sadness. Our first reactions would be to run, turn away, or just stop it all together. When things like this happen in our lives we tend to find ourself in places and situations we were never meant to be in the first place. At times the hardest or toughest road is the road we were meant to cross. The thing that we forget is that God is with us through every hill every valley, and every mountain. It may seem hard and impossible at times. But if we are believing in our good, good father, we know that He will never leave us.
Imagine that there comes a decision you must make in life. two paths are before you, and you either go left or right. To the left, You see a clear beautiful road. With large houses, brand new sparkling shining cars, money, riches, jewelry, and independence. And u look to the right and see a jungle, leaves all over the place mud, dirt, broken down homes, and no sparkling new things, but you see Jesus with his hand out saying "trust me".
Which path would you take?
I remember many times when I came to times like this in my life I looked to all the gorgeous things and went left. Things were good for a while but then quickly spiraled out of control. I was left alone in the dark, in debt, and depressed. I prayed hard asking God what to do. I realized quickly God was not with me in that path that I chose. From then on in all situations I would repeat the words of Moses saying "I don't want to go anywhere without your presence going before me," (Exodus 33:15). This is what you call true faith. I sacrificed my desires, wants, needs and I say God I trust you. At times Its not the answer I want to hear but I follow him and I never regret it.
Sometimes we see the beauty of the path to the left. People are posting gorgeous photos, they have all the nice things, and they seem to be living their best life. However, what we don't see is the future or the background to how that road came to pass. Only God is omniscient, he is all- knowing he knows the future you will have with that path, or that person, or that situation, or that place. At times the pain we feel currently blocks us from asking God what we should do. We are suffering and we want a way out immediately. And what ends up happening down the road is that we get heart break, even more pain, or hurt all over again, sometimes worse than if we were to follow God's plan for our lives.
It is important to see that God is with us and knows more than us (omniscience). He knows our past our present and future. If right now things seem tough trust God. If right now you don't see the money trust God. If right now you don't have a car, TRUST GOD. Whatever it is, and in whatever situation you find yourself in, just trust God. There has to be a complete faith in God and a sacrifice as we "first seek the things of the kingdom, and His righteousness. Then all the things you need will be added unto you," (Matthew 6:33).
This verse doesnt say first seek things of this world, it doesnt say first seek money, first seek shelter, or first look out for your self. No. It says first seek the kingdom! The Kingdomly things are more important than temporary satisfaction. Because, at the end of the day, if you don't have peace when u have the money, if you don't have true joy with all the things you own, and if you don't have love in the life you live daily, you wont make it one step on the path to the left. But the path to the right has one difference it includes Jesus the advocate by your side every step of the way, the Holy Spirit as your guide, and the father sharing the love with his children. Remember that the things of the kingdom bring peace, joy, love, long suffering, and so much more these are the fruits when you believe and trust in God, (Galatians 5:22).
