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Writer: Melissa HyppoliteMelissa Hyppolite

As a young person I had many challenges with Anxiety. Anxiety caused me not to take chances, not to experience the world. It shifted my reality and I constantly had negative thoughts that caused me to worry and fear about simple things. About everything. It lead me to feel hopeless and saddened. I thought I wasn't going to make it. But today I can say I am thankful to God that I was able to get through it and not let it control my life. I want you to know that as Christians we may feel anxiety but we should not let it control our lives.


22. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, - Galatians 5:22 ( NIV)
17. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. - 2Timothy 1:7 (NKJV)

Analyze: In these two verses we see that God renews us with love, power, a sound mind, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness. And if you continue to read the 23rd verse you can see all the other wonderfully positive things that God gives us through the fruits of the spirit. None of which is fear. Fear is incredibly destructive and actually is the complete opposite of what God wants for us. fear causes us to have worry, anxiety, lack of motivation, out can lead to stress, depression and other things that can effect our life negatively. It can even effect us physically where we can no longer get up in the morning just to experience a regular day.

So, how do we deal with Anxiety as Christians? First, remember that God does not give us the spirit of fear, fear is what leads us to have anxiety in the first place. God has given us the fruits of the spirit to have joy peace love and hope. Think of how wonderful and beautiful these things are. When you have joy in your heart you feel like you are on top of the world, you feel as though you can do so many things. You treat others nicely, you gain an understanding about who God is. When you have love, you feel warmth and you spread that warmth with others. and when you have hope all the desires of your heart that you have shared with God are possible. These are just a few of the things you receive when you believe in God. But you will have to first change your mindset. Anxiety programs your mind to think unclearly and to worry. But a sound mind thinks clearly and positively.

The first thing you can start to do is repeat positive sayings and verses every day as soon as you feel that anxiety coming on. Talk to your anxiety do not let it rule over your life. Tell it that it has no place in you. Tell Anxiety that you choose to have joy today, tell it that you choose to have hope and peace. Tell it that you refuse the made up stories to keep you down. This will not be easy at first but once you start God will strengthen you and help you to get through it the whole way there. Remember that you are not alone in this. God is always here.

The second thing you must do is find the cause of your anxiety, is it a person, a situation, an event? Whatever it is, find it and figure out how to get through it or get rid of it. I remember when I had issues with my terrible internship and I wanted to quit. I was at the point where I would cry every morning when I had to go there and be bullied. I repeated verses, I sang hopeful songs, I prayed. I had a whole routine to help me get through just one day. I took it one day at a time. I went to prayer services I went to concerts to lift my spirit. I did everything I could to help my anxiety go away. But, the best thing I did was when I opened up my vulnerable heart to God. I Asked God what was I to learn from this situation I was in. I asked Him to help me get through it. If you have trusted family members or friends talk to them and ask them what the best thing to do would be ask them, and tell them to pray for you. I counted down the days, and finally I had made it to the last day and I I was so joyful no matter what happened that day it didn't matter because I know I had made it. I celebrated like never before and I praised God more than I ever had in my whole life. Having the word of God lead you and talking to a trusted friend or family member helps those dark clouds covering your thoughts to be cleared away. Those people praying for you in the backgorund while you are going through the darkest times in your life are a gift from God. Remember to ask for help, it's okay. You are going to get through it.

Repeat after me: "I am not afraid, I am strong, I am filled with hope, I am filled with peace and I am filled with joy. My father wants me to be joyful he wants me to accomplish great feats. Nothing, absolutely nothing will stand in my way because I have the almighty most high God on my side. My defender, my savior, and my father. He is by my side and because of it there is no room for anxiety, fear, or worry to reside in me."

Repeat these words over and over until you believe it! And anxiety, fear, and worry will no longer stop you from becoming the great follower of Christ that you were meant to be.


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