Have you ever just wanted to worship God. To lift your hands up and feel God speaking life within you, renewing you and restoring you just as you sang or prayed? With all of your heart, you have wanted to Worship God but didn't understand why you were not feeling the worship like others seemed to. Well, here are 5 helpful tips that can lead you to having a worship lifestyle.
First let's tackle this concept. What is worship in the first place? The Meaning of Worship: If we take a look at the definition it means “to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion” (Merriam-Webster's Dictionary). The following verses also depict what the bible says about worship.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” - Romans 12:1 NIV
“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in Spirit and in truth.” John 4:24 NIV
In the first verse we see that we should offer our physical beings as worship. That means surrendering all of you and giving all of yourself in the physical aspect. It says also to do so by being holy following the truth of the word and letting that be your worship. With everything you do that obeys God's word, you are showing worship to him. If we look at the second verse in, John chapter 4, it says to worship God in the spirit and in truth, because God is spirit. We should worship him and fully take him in spiritual as well as physically. From these verses alone, we see that there is a physical aspect of worshipping, such as lifting up your hands and saying "Praise the Lord!" or "Hallelujah!" and also a Spiritual connection that must be made where our hearts are connected to God. We must worship God in our daily lives every day that we live. But we must do so honestly, truthfully, and without a hint of hesitation or doubt. Worshipping wholeheartedly. Here are the 5 tips that can help you reach that level of Worship.
1. Giving all of yourself to God.
Without this first step the rest will be impossible to obtain. I know right haven't even started and it's already seeming to be difficult. This step is very important so do not be surprised if you are at this step for a while, because a lot of sacrifice is going to be made here. You need to give it ALL literally ALL to God. All your worries, all your cares, all the darkest areas of your heart, your envy, and anger, even your desires and dreams. Everything! Sacrifice your brokenness to him. YOU are what he wants! Sometimes we let other things come in the way of our worship to the point where God is so far back we don't even come to church anymore. You may ask, why would he even accept me after I disobeyed him, or how can I even face God after I stopped showing up for years? Listen, when Jesus was born he didn't come to save those who already made it in life. He didn't come to save those already in a Kingdom or who had riches beyond belief. He was born in a manger, He was the son of a carpenter, and lived a simple life among us! He was in the midst of those who really needed help. he healed the blind and the sick. He taught us what true love was. That's exactly who he has come to save those who are lost and weary. Those who are tired and broken. And no matter what has happened, Jesus still wants you, he still loves you, he is just waiting for you to open up your heart to Him. This is going to take great sacrifice. You may need to break away from many things that may have been holding you back for years. It's definitely a difficult process, when we grow up in a world telling us that our worth can only be measured by how many likes we have on a superficial photo. Or how many followers we accumulated, of people who, with just one swipe, leave you. It is such a selfish way to think/live our lives but we have grown accustom to it. Now a'days we see that the only way we can be better, be more popular, or get more money is by stepping on others to do so. The sad part is, that after all that, there still is no satisfaction in our lives. It will always feel like something is missing until you reach up towards God. Give him all you have and all that you are, and He will make you new. Jesus will show up in your life and show you just how much He loves you.
2. Praying Continuously
Prayer is a wonderful way to communicate with Jesus. But did you know that your prayer is also worship? Well, it is! In everything that you do God's name should be glorified. Your actions to others should show worship and glory to God. Whether it be at work or at school, your decisions and ethical actions should always glorify God. Most importantly through prayer your mouth should glorify God. And if we glorify His name we are infact Worshipping. It is important that we see prayer as a time of communication with God as well as worship. We also must learn to pray at all times and anywhere that we are. Prayer should not only be done at church on a Sunday. That would bring your prayer count to once a week. Some of us, not naming any names, don't even pray at church on that one Sunday. So now that brings your prayer count to a grand total of 0 for the week. So how are we going to have a lifestyle of worship without prayer? In order to have a lifestyle of worship prayer should always be on our lips. A song should always be in our heart, and a verse in our minds. This clarifies your thoughts of anything evil that may try to come against you and the knowledge of God. Remember, that Jesus says our bodies are the temple. We do not have to just be in church to pray. Prayer can be done anywhere and at any time. We can pray in our hearts, we can pray aloud, we can mumble the words, we can cry before God, We can pray in any language English,Creole, Spanish, or French. All this is considered worshipping God. Giving Him your all through prayer is a great start in having a lifestyle of worship. While you pray, remember to thank Him for all He has done. Thank him for his favor and mercy in your life and thank him for his guidance. Give God your time through prayer today.
3. Worshipping Without Hesitation
In the physical, it is hard to pray and talk about God to a world that doesn't believe God exists. It is even harder to lift your hands up in worship because many will look at you as if you are crazy in the streets. Even when in church sitting amongst friends, you don’t want to embarrass your friends so you stay still, or you look at your phone. Because, being on your phone is considered a social norm. We have been taught to steer away from worshipping God even while at church. Well, I have news for you, in order to live a lifestyle of worship it is time to stop letting popularity take first place instead of God. It is time to allow Worship to occur in a way like never before! Don't be afraid to stand up and say "Amen!" Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Show God that you are not embarrassed of Him. Show him that no matter what or when, you are ready to serve Him. If friends make fun of you for worshipping God, then they were never your friends to begin with. Good friends should respect you as you worship God not criticize you. Stop trying to dress to impress others or look cute for others to see you on Sunday. Instead, impress God with your worship, stand up, clap your hands, lift your hands up high, pray, sing and stop worrying about what others will say. God has done so much for us that we should be waving our hands shouting and carrying on every moment just because we have the breath of life in us. Do not be afriad! Do not become cold! Do not harden your hearts because of what others will say! Just worship without hesitation.
4. Encouraging Others to Worship
Being an encourager to build people up and to help others worship is also how you can worship God. When God left his disciples he didn’t say keep the gospel to yourself. Jesus told them that they they would become fishers of men. They would spread the gospel. Starting today begin to spread the good news of Jesus wherever you go. In school, at work, or even at the mall, always be ready with an opportunity to talk about Jesus and give your testimony. You never know who needed to hear it at that very moment. If you see someone struggling in a difficult time in their life offer your help and prayer. Let them know you are there for them, part of being a Christian is loving others while we are here on earth. This will prove that we are also disciples of Jesus Christ.
5. Listening
Part of worshipping is knowing when to stop and listen to God. Give Him a moment to speak. Let his source of peace take over and let his words run over you like water. For me, these are special and precious moments. I had been holding things in for so long and didn't even notice it. Then, God speaks to me with that still small voice and it all melts away. The worries, and fear, the pain, guilt and shame that had built up in me is finally removed. Tears flow from my eyes like a river and I am restored because I remember that I am not alone. The Great I Am, is with me. Think of his words, his promises, think of all he has done for you and learn to recognize his voice when he talks to you. Learn not to ask him but to thank Him. Allow him to move in your life due to your constant worship!
Following these steps will help you to live a lifestlye of Worship. You will see renewed peace joy and love every day in your life because you will always feel the presence of God with you. Remember to Worship when things are going great but especially when times are hard. It is actually the most important time to worship. It reminds us trust that God is still in control.
I hope these Tips were helpful! Thank you for reading and making it this far! God bless you.
